
Back to School Snack

Summer is winding down and all the back to school sales are starting.  Which means mom's are counting down the days in excitement and kids are just enjoying their long fun days while they can.  Why not make going back to school a bit easier and give the kids a boost of energy to get through the school day?!  These energy bites are super tasty (they don't tend to last more than a day or two at our house) and  healthy enough that I've snacked on a couple as breakfast a few times.

 1cup Oatmeal
1/3- 1/2 cup Honey (your preferance)
1/2 cup Flaxseed
1/2 cup Peanut Butter (or other nut butter)
1 cup Coconut flakes
1 tsp Vanilla
*optional- Chocolate Chips or Craisins  

In a bowl mix all ingredients thoroughly.  Let chill in fridge/freezer (I do the freezer so I can eat them quicker) 20-30 minutes. Pull out, roll into balls and ENJOY!!!  Store in airtight container in fridge for up to a week.  Once everyone in the family tries on of these, I doubt they'll make it a week in the fridge though.

Hope you all enjoy this tasty fast snack and that you enjoy the rest of the summer. 


Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday is here again!  I absolutely love Fridays, it's the beginning of the weekend, my husband gets to come home at a decent time and we get to enjoy him all weekend!  This weekend is especially exciting for me, we are heading down to Oregon and planning on stopping at the coast for a day with some friends! Yay!

 I am so excited to see our friends (and of course family) and the coast that today I joined the 'Keep Calm' band wagon and created a sign to go along with this weekend.

  I'd love to hear what you have planned or your favorite things to do on vacation!

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful weekend!