
Make Something Mondays

 Welcome to my newest tutorial and the start of "Make Something Mondays"!  I am excited to start sharing crafts/tutorials every Monday with you guys, let's get to it!

Awhile ago I came across a picture of one of these cute ribbon bows on Pinterest (You'll find as I keep writing posts that I'm kind of obsessed with this place).  I found a tutorial for the bow but somehow didn't Pin it, anybody else do that?! Anyway, I had a hard time finding it again so I decided to just sit down and try making one from memory. It wasn't too hard to figure out and now I've gone a tad crazy making them....anybody want some bows?!

 Below is bow done with a 1.5" wide x 3.5" long. Bow ends up being about 2.5" across

  • Scissors
  • Thread
  • Ribbon
  • Needle
  • Embellishments

 1. Find some ribbon that you would like to use, it can be wire ribbon if you'd like. Cut 5 strips of your ribbon to you desired length.  I did 3.5" inches for the bow in these pictures.

 2. If you are using wired ribbon, take the wire out from one side (this will make it easier to cinch up the petal).  With one hand hold the middle side that you are taking the wire out of and with the other hand push slowly from the top toward the middle.  The wire should start popping out enough for you to grab it and take it out.

 3.  Start sewing down the short side of the ribbon toward the side that no longer has wire, makes no difference on ribbon with no wire.

4. Continue to sew down the long side then up the other short side.  

5. Pull thread threw until it starts to look like a petal.  

6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the last 4 pieces of ribbon.
On one continuous piece of thread pull as tight as you can after threading all the pieces, don't pull too tight though or you'll break the thread and have to start all over again (I've done that a few too many times, not fun!) 

7. Thread back threw the first "petal" a little bit and pull to close the circle that has now been created.  Knot your thread, and you're done! Now comes the last and my most favorite step....

8. Add embellishments!  Jewels, buttons, pearls, etc.  Have fun with it.
 And there you have it, a super cute bow to go on presents, headband, or clips!

Fluff the petals to your liking (with wired ribbon you can make the petals 'bubbly' like the black and white bow below, or you can show the edges off  like the ribbon above)

The black and white bow is a 2" wide ribbon cut to 2" (so a square) 

1.5" wide 4.5" long ribbon used (this was a non-wired ribbon, so the edges are more ruffly)

I hope you have all enjoyed my tutorial and that it has inspired you to go make a few for some cute girls/lovely ladies!  


Freebie Friday

Sorry about not posting a freebie last Friday, we were out enjoying a family reunion in Utah.  So to make up for it here are TWO!  I created these a couple months ago for Mother's Day.  I hope that they will make you smile and that their words  apply to more than just me!

Enjoy and have a fun and safe weekend!  Come back on Monday for a new tutorial!


Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday is here!  Fridays are great to begin with with (beginning of the weekend and all), but why not make it even better and get a free printable!!

Today marks the first day of Freebie Fridays, I will try and have a printable every week but sometimes I might be a little creativity challenged and just let you all know about freebies that I've found that week.

 So let's starting the weekend off right, with a little bit of sunshine.....(you can just click on the pictures now!)


Sunshine for a Rainy day

Sorry for the delay!  Little hands make quick work of destroying helping write blog posts!

This is my first tutorial and I chose and easy one so bare with me..... here we go!

A couple weeks ago it was another rainy day here in WA and the kids and I were in need of something to do/create.  I had just been looking at my amazing stack of scrapbook paper wondering how I'd ever  use it all, since I started digital scrapbooking, and realized that our house could use a little sunshine.  So why not make some sun of our own?!  And I set to work picking out lots of different yellow and orange papers.

What you'll need:

  • scrapbook paper (I used yellows and oranges', but use whatever you'd like!)
  • paper cutter or scissors
  • a ruler (if you're using scissors, unless you are confident in your ability to cut straight lines, I definitely am not hence the paper cutter)
  • card stock (can be any color, I used white but you could use yellow incase some paper doesn't overlap) 
  • glue
  • scissors  

Cut up different sized strips but stayed in about a 1/2"-1" width (but its up to you!) by 12"
Let your little ones choose what ever papers they feel and let them go to it!  If need be, of course, do all the gluing for them

Cut your now glued paper strips into a circle.  Glue that circle to a piece of card stock as a base and
then glue little strips of left over paper on around the circle as the sun rays.

And there you have it!  A little bit of sunshine to brighten up your house.  

I didn't get around to doing this, but you could always do some glitter on it too to make it a bit fancier ;)  but little L is all boy and "boys aren't cute, they're handsome", so says him.