
Sailor Knot Bracelet

I am back!  After having no computer for a week or so then getting sick, it kind of threw of my groove for blogging.  But I am back with a fun picture tutorial for you!  Last year for a Fabulous Friday activity we crocheted strands and tied them into a sailor knot for a headband.  And they were super cute, but I don't tend to wear headbands so I decided a bracelet would be just as cute and way easy to make.  So here is my first picture tutorial....and if you have questions about any of the pictures please leave a comment and I will try to explain a bit better.


4 pieces of 12-15 inches of yarn or jersey knit fabric
scrap of matching fabric
hot glue gun

 Once you finish this step, slowly pull the four ends.  Doing it slowly will help you get the size and shape that you want.  When it's to your liking, cut the ends and secure with hot glue.  Cover up the ends with a strip of fabric or a cluster of yarn.  Slip in on and enjoy your new bracelet!!!